Here is Superfan Nadine’s son Jaden in a homemade shark costume!!! I love it but I love his expression more. This makes me so excited to make costumes when Princess A is older!

Stay Glamorous,


image via Superfan Nadine

7 responses to “CUTE SHARK ALERT!

  1. My daughter keeps teasing the 6yr old that for Halloween this year, she’s dressing her up as a slice of pizza ;D

  2. My little shark… 😉
    Thank you for posting.

  3. I’ve had great fun over the years making costumes for my kids. One of the best was when the school had a Victorian Day. All the children and teachers dressed in Victorian costumes, there was only basic food in the canteen that would have been available in the Victorian era and all books were put away, lessons were on a chalkboard and slates. They also had a visiit from ‘Queen Victoria’…an actress who visits schools in the area. Everyone had to bow or curtsey as she walked into the school hall. It was such a fun day.

  4. That’s a brilliant job Nadine, and what a little cutie pie!

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