Here is Princess A when she was around 2 weeks old being fed by her Grandpa while Freckles cuddles with Grandpa and stands guard. Whenever we fed Princess A as a baby he would always cuddle up tight to whomever was feeding her. This is one of the things I miss most!

It’s hard to believe she was ever this small. Especially now because for the past month Princess A has made it her job to let everyone know she is not a baby anymore!

Last month she started to refuse her formula so we switched to whole milk. This worked for a while and then she refused to drink from a bottle except for before bed.

We tried tons of sippy cups but she thought they were toys. Then we noticed that she was always grabbing at our cups so we bought her a baby cup. She was able to drink from a spoutless cup no problem. Yes. she spilled most of the milk or water everywhere but that’s the beauty of having a dog… they are cute vacuum cleaners, mops, and brooms.

Then she refused baby food or being fed by anyone. I got to the point where I was so tired of fighting with her that I just cut up adult food and threw it on her high chair tray. This made her very happy. She eats like a cave woman but I am proud of her independent streak and like supporting it!

Then she decided she no longer wanted a bedtime bottle or to be sung to sleep.Here she is crying while being sung “Ah Baby” by her Grandpa. Now if you sing to her before bed she cries but if you just put her in her crib she either falls right to sleep or babbles for a bit.

Last night was when I realized how old she was getting and it hit me next week she will be a toddler not a baby! She was having her night time bath and whenever I tried to bathe her she stole the wash cloth and tried to bathe herself. Then she started swatting my face with the washcloth and laughing. Then she tried the same thing with my arm… my little baby was trying to give me a bath! I started laughing too and let her wash my face and arms. Then Freckles came into the bathroom to see what the commotion was and she cleaned his snout.

It was such a sad and happy moment.

Princess A you were such an awesome baby and now I can’t wait to see you as a toddler!

Stay Glamorous,



  1. Awwwwwwwwwwww, they do grow up so fast don’t they???? Hard to believe

  2. She’s not a baby anymore but she’s become a cute toddler.
    It will be wonderful to see day after day her progress, all the new things that she’ll learn!! 😉

  3. Wendy Nascimento

    Time passes too quickly! Love the little quirky things and record if possible …. So quickly the words “remember when…..” will be coming out of your mouth! ;0)

  4. I know, they grow so fast Shannon…
    At one point you’re like, “I can’t wait until…” then the next you’re like “I wish you weren’t getting so big.”
    She is precious…. 😛

  5. Your nostalgia is making me nostalgic. You have me remembering when my Katie was about to turn one. She was born March 13, 2002 and now she is turning 10! She was an independent little girl, and still is. When you talk about Princess A I remember all those steps and stages with Katie. Watching them grow and learn is a process I never get bored with. I still cry over her accomplishments. Just last week she performed her first competitive dance solo. She has been dancing since she was 2.5 yrs old. I found myself crying through her solo. My sweet “baby” is growing way too fast. One thing I love about your blog is it shows how you are taking the time to enjoy every moment in your Princess’ life. I wish more people would do the same. Life seems to pass by so quickly.

  6. Even though Princess A will officially be a toddler in a few days, she will always be your baby.

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